How does the Virtual Art Therapy Clinic work? How can I sign up?

The Virtual Art Therapy Clinic works similarly to an in-person therapy session.

Follow these steps to start your art therapy journey:

1. Email us at [email protected] with the title: "VATC sign up" We will send you the VATC registration form within 1 to 2 business days.

2. Once you have completed the form, we will create an account for you on our online booking system, Jane.

3. You will then receive an intake form email. Once you have completed the online intake form, we will place you with a postgraduate student therapist.

If you would like help getting started, please contact us through phone, email, or live chat.

Please note that the clinic schedule is set to Vancouver, BC, Canada/Pacific Time. If you are not in this timezone, you will need to convert your local time to Vancouver time and book a session based on the Vancouver time conversion. You can convert your local time to Vancouver time using World Time Buddy.

4. If both you and the therapist feel that you are a good fit, you may book a subsequent 1-hour Virtual Art Therapy Session. You can book up to 6 sessions in advance. You have a choice of paying $25, $35, or $50 CAD for each session. Choose which price you feel is the most appropriate for your situation. Higher payments help keep the clinic running for everyone.

5. When it is time to begin your session, simply click on the video link that was sent to your email. Alternatively, you can log onto your account and click on the video button beside your appointment.


Sometimes the first therapist you meet may not be the best fit for your situation. We will try to match you with a more appropriate therapist.

What is art therapy?
Art therapy is a combination of psychotherapy and creative processes that help you explore and heal. Sometimes certain thoughts and feelings are difficult to express through language alone, but they may emerge during creative tasks. By exploring the artwork that you have created with a trained art therapist, you can receive personalized and confidential help on your healing journey.
Who is suitable for art therapy?

Our Virtual Art Therapy Clinic is able to help clients of all ages. Like other forms of therapy, art therapy does not impose age limits on who can be a client.

Due to its visual and engaging nature, art therapy is especially suitable for clients who may not be interested in focusing on discussions, clients who already engage in creative experiences, and children as young as three.

Art therapy can be beneficial if you feel hesitant about therapy or if you find it difficult to talk about your experiences. Many clients enjoy the opportunity to be active and engage in something creative during the session.

Please note that our student therapists are suitable for individuals who are looking to improve self-esteem, wanting to make career or life choices, or are dealing with mild depression or anxiety. If you are looking to explore other issues, please contact us through live chat. We can provide resources or refer you to an appropriate professional.

Do I have to be an artist? I am not very good at art.

Because art therapy is about receiving the benefits of the creative process, no artistic experience or talent is needed. Your artwork is never judged. Instead, the client and the therapist work together to explore thoughts and feelings that emerge from the creative process.


What kind of art will I make? What materials do I need?

We strongly encourage you to use any available art materials that you already have at home.

The student therapist will work to accommodate your experience and interest in what materials you have or can use.

Art therapy is flexible, and so are the materials you can use. Look around your home for:

  • Assorted papers, including scrap paper, construction paper, newspaper, or old magazines
  • Coloured pens, markers, chalk, pastels, or crayons
  • Old packaging (boxes, cardboard, or plastic)
  • Items that you would like to repurpose (clothing, books, knick-knacks)
  • Scissors, glue, or tape

Complete Art Supply List

Does the therapist interpret or judge my artwork?

Art therapists are trained to help clients explore their artwork. The client gets to determine what their artwork means to them, and what meanings may emerge. Therapeutic art processes are used in sessions to help clients make connections between experiences, feelings, and thoughts.

What kinds of feelings will I experience in art therapy sessions?

Therapy of any type can bring up strong feelings, especially if the client has experienced trauma.

Making art and engaging in creative processes stimulates parts of the brain and memory that may be less active. Art therapists are trained to deal with all sorts of emotions as they come up during the session.

It is normal for a client to feel tired or heavy after a therapy session. Thinking, discussing, and creating art around feelings or experiences, especially difficult ones, can sometimes be very draining. 

We try to encourage clients to leave some space and time to themselves after a therapy session. Post-session downtime is an important part of the healing process.

Who are the therapists for the Virtual Art Therapy Clinic? Do they have training and experience?

The student therapists for the Virtual Art Therapy Clinic are all in the final stage of their diploma program.

They must have either a Bachelor's or Master’s degree to enter the Art Psychotherapy Diploma program from CiiAT - The Canadian International Institute of Art Therapy. They must also complete practice training hours as designated by governing bodies for the Province of British Columbia in Canada and the Canadian Art Therapy Association.

Although our program is housed in Canada, our therapists are all over the world and speak different languages. The therapists for the virtual clinic have previously been working with clients, but are practising social distancing for COVID-19. They are now only available online to protect both themselves and clients. 

Will I receive a tax deduction receipt for my donation?

No. Donations to The Proulx Foundation are not tax deductible under Canada’s regulations. The Proulx Foundation is a registered non-profit society in the Province of British Columbia, but not a charitable organization under the government of Canada.

All donations received will be used to support the administration and services of the clinic. If you can afford a larger donation, you will be helping to sponsor  someone who can only afford a smaller donation.

Are your services covered under extended health plans?

Most extended health plans in Canada will only cover therapy sessions provided by a Registered Clinical Art Therapist. Please check with your extended health plan provider to see if they cover virtual art therapy sessions conducted by graduating student therapists.

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